
Keeping Your Teeth Healthy With DealDash


Keeping your teeth healthy and strong is a great goal. Let DealDash keep those pearly whites healthy.

Having a beautiful smile typically means having nice teeth, and the way to achieve this is by taking care of them. There are a few key aspects of having healthy teeth, and DealDash would like to explain them to you. Read on for more information.

Brush Them, of Course!

Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. However, if you work outside of the home then that usually isn’t possible. At the least, you should brush your teeth in the morning when  — Read full post


DealDash Deals with Dental

Everyone knows that you should be brushing twice per day and flossing once, but what other dental chores have we been skipping? Let’s find out.

Since childhood we have all been told to brush in the morning and before bed brush and floss, but did you know that you could be doing more for your dental health? You should actually be brushing after every single meal. Yes, you should be taking a travel toothbrush to work with you and brushing after lunch. As crazy as that sounds, if you were to brush after every meal you are significantly less likely  — Read full post