
Four Sigma Foods Instant Shiitake Herbal Mushroom Tea Bags

The Four Sigma Foods Instant Shiitake Herbal Mushroom Tea Bags make it easy to get all the health benefits from shiitake mushrooms in one easy to use tea bag.

The people of Asia have used Shiitakes for thousands of years for a variety of health reasons. The Four Sigma Foods Instant Shiitake Herbal Mushroom Tea Bags help to promote healthy skin, support the live, enliven the blood and boost Qi or “life force.”

Four Sigma Foods Instant Shiitake Herbal Mushroom Tea Bags

The Four Sigma Foods Instant Shiitake Herbal Mushroom Tea Bags brew is also a natural detoxifying immune booster. The other ingredients like Schisandra berry, have been one  — Read full post