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Why I Bid Small

I’ve been shopping on for over 1 year and my auction bidding strategy is to bid small.

I enjoy bidding on the lower valued items DealDash lists up for auction. Why? I continue to choose this strategy because I am able to win easier and I enjoy winning auctions. Since beginning my shopping and bidding experience on DealDash I have won 93 auctions in total and have received some really great deals. Another reason I like bidding on small items is because I have not been as successful with the big ticket / high value items like I have  — Read full post

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Part Two: Bidding Strategy

DealDash strategy

This is part two of a two part series which focuses on computing the cost of bidding and my auction bidding strategies. Here we will review the bidding aspect and how I implement my personal bidding strategy on DealDash.

When I locate an auction item that I want, I make one bid as soon as it goes live and of course before the $5 No Jumper limit. I then just sit back and watch the auction bidding patterns for a bit. For those of you not aware of what the $5 No Jumper limit here’s a clip from the Official  — Read full post

DealDash Universe
Bidding Tips Home

Anatomy Of An Auction

DealDash Universe

The word anatomy is defined as “the study of the body plan of animals” so you may be wondering why I’ve chosen to use it to describe an auction.

The reason is that I view an auction as a “living” thing.  Each auction has it’s own individual “personality” based upon the various bidders involved.  Every auction is unique, but watch enough auctions and you will notice that most auctions follow a certain pattern.

When an auction begins, it typically goes through a stage which is a bit like throwing a piece of raw meat into a cage filled with hungry

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