DealDash Fireworks Winners
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See DealDash Fireworks Explode

We all like fireworks, those bursts of color and light. They light up the night sky in abundance on the 4th of July. However, we can see fireworks any day of the year whenever we win an auction on DealDash. It is such a thrill to see the fireworks and the ‘Congratulations – You Won’ banner.

DealDash Fireworks Winners

You sit at your computer, looking for that special item you want and then you start bidding. I have found, on several occasions, that if I watch too closely I seldom win. When I start bidding, but do not watch every bid, I do  — Read full post

DealDash Easter
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DealDash “Free” Wins

DealDash Easter

Deal Dash gave us all a lovely pre-Easter gift with a week of ‘Free’ wins. We all know that means Deal Dash covers the final cost of the item and the winner only pays 1 penny for a transaction fee plus the cost of the bids used to win. Not a bad deal at all, we can try for an item that in the past was not obtainable, but with such a small final out of pocket cost, why not try.

However, when this generous offer is on the table, common sense and math ability seem to go out the  — Read full post