
DealDash Helps: Treat a Sunburn

DealDash Sunburn Help

Everyone has had a sunburn at some point. Here are some tips and tricks to help you heal your skin, from DealDash.

The bright summer sun, tanning beds, or any other source of ultraviolet light can cause a sunburn. Prevention is much better than aftercare, of course, but sometimes you just can’t avoid a sunburn. Sadly once you get a bad sunburn the skin damage is permanent, but there are treatments to heal your sore skin, prevent infection, and reduce pain. Here are some of the best treatments available, from DealDash.

Home Remedies

If you have a mild sunburn there’s  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Childhood Nighttime Fears


Being afraid of the dark can be really scary for kids. Let DealDash give you some tips and suggestions to help.

Being afraid of the dark is a very common and normal fear for children to have. As a mom or dad, it’s important that you help them work through their fears and feel better about the situation. You have to show your child that they are safe in the dark. Try to help your children feel comfortable when they are alone at night in the dark. With your help sleeping in the dark will seem less scary. Here are  — Read full post


DealDash Knows About Sunblock

DEALDASH sunblock

Now that Spring is here it’s time to step up your sunblock regimen. Here are some tips from DealDash.

It’s important to wear sunblock year round, but most people don’t take as much care in the winter. Now that Spring is here it’s very important to start wearing sunblock daily if you leave the house. The sun’s rays are brightest in the hours around Noon, but you should be applying sunblock before you leave in the morning, and re-applying every few hours if you are going to be outdoors.

What’s SPF?

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and is very  — Read full post


DealDash Encourages Positivity

DealDash positivity

Everyone can agree that being positive is a good thing. However, sometimes it’s easier said than done. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash.

How are you doing today? That’s a very common question that many people from your family and friends to the cashier at the store ask you on a daily basis. You probably answer “Fine, thanks.” but wouldn’t you prefer to say “I’m doing great!” and really mean it? Here are some things that you can do to help get yourself in a more positive frame of mind.

Fake It Til You Make It

Not everyone  — Read full post


DealDash Beautifies Your Lawn for Spring


April showers bring May flowers. Have you gotten your yard set up for Spring? Let DealDash help.

There are many facets to getting your yard set up for Spring. There are flowers and veggies to be planted, hoses and sprinklers to be arranged, lawn furniture to be hosed off, and many other tasks. Let DealDash help you figure it all out.

Get Those Plants Planted

If you’re a fan of gardening then you know that it’s just about time to get everything in the ground, depending on where you live. It’s an excellent time to re-seed any patchy parts of  — Read full post