
DealDash Takes a Morning Run

DealDash Morning Run

Going for a morning run is wonderful exercise, and can also start your day off on the right foot. Here are some tips to get started, from DealDash.

To go for a morning run, you have to be prepared with the right clothes and have the right attitude. The clothes are easy to get, but the attitude might take a little more effort. It will help if you eat the right foods, and be able to find the motivation to make it part of your routine a few times per week. If you can’t muster the energy for a morning  — Read full post


DealDash Helps the Environment

DealDash helps

Most people want to help our environment, but they might not know how. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to get you started.

“Save the Earth” and “Go green” might be some phrases that you have heard when thinking about helping the environment, but what do those things really mean? There are hundreds of ways that you can help our environment, some of them easy, some of them hard, and some of them you might already be doing! Read on, and find out more from DealDash.

Don’t Waste Water

This might be something that you do already to  — Read full post


DealDash Pets: Guinea Pigs

DealDash guinea pig


Guinea Pigs are a nice and gentle pet for kids and adults. DealDash takes a look at their care.

Have you ever held a guinea pig? They are so soft, cute, and cuddly.  Also, guinea pigs are easy to care for, inexpensive, and provide a lot of entertainment. Guniea pigs only need a few supplies and a lot of love and attention from their new human family. Here is a list of what you would need to get before you get a guinea pig as a pet, from DealDash.

Guinea Pig Supplies

  • A cage. There are many commercially available
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DealDash Helps Refine Your Focus

DealDash Focus

There are so many distractions in the world today, it’s hard to keep and refine your focus. Here are some tips from DealDash to help.

As an adult with ADHD, I am an expert at becoming distracted. This is fairly common for people who don’t have ADHD as well, there are so many distractions today, from your phone’s notifications to text messages, and everything else. If you are someone who has trouble concentrating like myself, you probably have come up with some coping mechanisms already. If you haven’t, though, here are some ideas to help you refine your focus.

DealDash fidget spinner


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Strange Uses for Coffee from DealDash

dealdash coffee

Most people love to drink coffee, but did you know that there are lots of uses for our favorite bean? Read on to find out, from DealDash.

Iced, hot, or lukewarm – I don’t care what the temperature is, I love to drink coffee. However, coffee isn’t just delicious to drink, you can also use the beans and grounds for some pretty strange and useful things. Are you ready to hear some of the strange uses? Read on…

Steak Rub

I would have never thought to run coffee on my steak – even just the thought of it sounded very  — Read full post