
DealDash Skin Care – Makeup Removal

dealdash makeup removal

Taking off your makeup nightly is a very important part of skin care. Let DealDash show you some tips and techniques.

Taking off your makeup nightly is one way to be sure that your skin stay healthy, glowing, and blemish-free. Washing your face with soap can leave your skin dry, itchy, and tight. Soap is a definite no-no when washing your face, especially in the winter. Read on to hear how to remove your makeup in a more healthy way for your skin, from DealDash.

Step 1

The first thing that you should do when taking off your makeup  — Read full post


DealDash Cheap Halloween Costume Ideas

Image result for lots of halloween costumes

We are 1/4 done with October, so if you haven’t gotten your (or your kid’s) costumes ready yet, now is the time.

There are probably 50 complete ready-made costumes at any of your local box-box stores, and even more bits and pieces to make even more different costumes and variations. If you want something totally original, though, you are going to have to go to the thrift store and get creative, or get together the craft supplies and make it yourself. There are plenty of costumes that you can make with a minimum of crafting skill, especially if you combine  — Read full post


DealDash Cares About Your Skin

Having beautiful skin comes naturally to some people while others have to work for it. Here are some tips to show off your best skin.

Some people wake up with beautiful skin, do nothing to it, and have it look great with no effort required whatsoever. Other people have the worst luck with eczema, others have problems with comedones. Comedones are what most people refer to as pimples. Open comedones are blackheads; black because of surface pigment (melanin), rather than dirt. Closed comedones are whiteheads; the follicle is completely blocked.

Comedones are fairly easy to stay on top of by  — Read full post